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What happened to the original Expose members?

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Expose has always been a three girl group. Most fans will recognize Jeanette Jurado, Gioia Bruno and Ann Curless as the three women in the group, and they rightfully should. These girls were great, and they certainly made Expose into one of the most successful girl groups of all time. Just like most fans, those three are the faces I think of when I think of Expose, but we have to acknowledge that they were not the original Expose members and have to give respect where respect is due.

Who were the original members of Expose?

Alejandra Lorenzo (Ale,) Sandra Casanas and Laurie Miller were the original Expose members and were put together in 1984. They recorded the original hit “Point of no return” and “Exposed to love.” After making a name for the group, while recording the 1987 “Exposure” album, all three girls would be replaced, but what would happen to them after leaving Expose?

What happened to Alejandra Lorenzo?

Alejandra Lorenzo was known to most simply as Ale. She was the lead singer of the original Expose group and put the group on the map with their first hit “Point of no return” in 1985. She was the first to leave the group, and her reasoning was to pursue other ambitions. She basically wanted to start a solo singing career.

Ale would go on to record and release as singles both “I wanna know” in 1988 and “Stop me if I fall in love” in 1990. Both songs were dance hits. After that, Ale seemed to have vanished from the music industry.

What happened to Laurie Miller?

Born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida, Laurie Miller was one of the original members of Expose. Laurie did the choreography, costumes, face painting and the crazy hair for the group. Laurie was the last of the original Expose members to leave. Initially the newer group was going to be Laurie Miller, Jeanette Jurado and Gioia Bruno. But, when Laurie decided to leave the group, she was replaced with Ann Curless.

Like Ale, Laurie would go on to become a solo artist and recorded songs such as “Parallels” and “Love is a natural magical thing.” Laurie would eventually showcase her theatrical background talents performing on cruise ships and eventually started her own company called Xica Productions. Presently, Laurie Miller is very active running her company. She has also recently given freestyle fans a lot of insight about Expose’s early years.

Laurie can somewhat be credited with finding future Expose lead singer Jeanette Jurado after Ale and Sandra had already made it known that they wanted to leave the group. One day, while out performing in Southern California at Legg Lake Park, Laura Miller had mentioned to Ale to take a look at a girl performing with a group called “New Breeze.” She told Ale how the girl sounded great, how she resembled her and how she could be her replacement. Though it didn’t happen right away, Jeanette Jurado would eventually get on board with Expose.

Laurie Miller was at one time engaged to the groups executive producer Frank Diaz. Due to a troubled relationship and heartbreak, Laurie Miller left the group. Another contributing factor to her leaving was Ale’s departure from the group. Laurie has shared that her heart just wasn’t in it anymore. It wasn’t met with friendliness as a cease and desist was issued to her so she couldn’t say that she was formally from the group Expose. Her name was then completely taken off of the “Exposure” album. Her vocals were replaced even though they kept her adlibs and background vocals. Due to never signing a contract, Miller never received any royalties.

What happened to Sandra Casanas?

Sandra Casanas, known as Sandee, would become a solo artist after leaving Expose. She would record a full album titled “Only time will tell.” Sandee, who was known to have the strongest voice from the original Expose members had hits during the late 1980s and early 1990s such as “You’re the one” (#40 on the U.S. Dance Chart, “Love desire” (#9 on US Billboard Top 100 and #21 on US Dance Chart,) and “Notice me” (#9 on US Dance Chart.)

Throughout the later years, Sandee would go on to become a regular participant at freestyle explosion type concerts. Sandra Casanas would pass away on December 15, 2008 at her home in Florida. She was only 46 years old. The cause of her death was due to a severe seizure.

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