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Jaya is a singer actress, record producer, dancer and entertainer. Jaya has accomplished much in her career, but the beginning of her success began with freestyle music. It all started for Jaya with the freestyle hit “If you leave me now.” From there, her career took off. It would lead to success in the United States, but would later lead her to even more success in the Philippines. At her home country, Jaya would end up becoming a huge star.

Top Jaya songs

In 1989, the single “If you leave me know” became an instant hit at the clubs. The song received wide air play on the radio and peaked at #44 on the U.S. Billboard Top 100. Stevie B did background vocals for the song.

In 1990, the album titled “Jaya” was released and besides “If you leave me now,” the song “One kiss per minute” was also successful and peaked at #36 on the U.S. Dance Chart. Jaya spent the next four years in Florida before moving back to California to be with her mother. While there, she performed live shows primary for the Filipino community.

How did Jaya begin her career?

Jaya’s mother was in the entertainment business, and Jaya, at the age of 10 became a backup dancer for her mom. In 1982, she started performing on her own under the name Louise Ramsey. In 1985, Jaya’s mom decided to make a move to the United States. They settled in California, and while there Jaya continued to perform solo.

After finishing high school, Jaya ran away to New York with a friend of hers and ended up meeting freestyle sensation Stevie B. She ended up becoming a backup vocalist. This would end up being the start of something very good. In 1989, Jaya was signed to a record deal with LMR Records. It is here where the stage name “Jaya” was created.

Eventually, Jaya’s talents would make her an instant celebrity in the Philippines. In 1996, she recorded another album titled “Jaya” that was catered toward her Asian audience. The “In the raw” album followed in 1997. Jaya became a huge sensation in the Philippines as her success there surpassed that of the United States. She has won many awards throughout the years in the Philippines and has also proven herself a a talented actress appearing in many films.

Fun facts about Jaya

What is Jaya’s real name?

Maria Luisa Ramsey-Gotidoc

What nationality is Jaya?

Jaya is Filipina. She was born in Manilla, Philippines.

When is Jays’s birthday?

March 21, 1970

Where did Jaya attend high school?

Jaya went to John Marshall High School which is in the Los Angeles area.